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GALILEO. Born at Pisa, 15 February 1564; died 8 January 1642.
The boy Galileo Galilei, at an early age manifested his aptitude for mathematical and mechanical pursuits and his native genius speedily placed him in the very first rank of natural philosophers.
He became a fierce controversialist, who, not content with refuting adversaries, was bent upon confounding them. Moreover, he wielded an exceedingly able pen, and unsparingly ridiculed and exasperated his opponents. Undoubtedly he thus did much to bring upon himself the troubles for which he is now chiefly remembered. As Sir David Brewster ("Martyrs of Science") says: “The boldness, may we not say the recklessness, with which Galileo insisted on making proselytes of his enemies, served but to alienate them from the truth.”
The Aristotelians would not accept even facts in contradiction of their master’s dicta. They held that these were best learned by authority, especially by that of Aristotle, who was supposed to have spoken the last word upon all such matters, and upon whom many erroneous conclusions had been fathered in the course of time.
Though, as has been said, it is by his astronomical discoveries that he is most widely remembered, it is not these that constitute Galileo's most substantial title to fame. In this connection, his greatest achievement was undoubtedly his virtual invention of the telescope. He succeeded in constructing a telescope which magnified three times, its magnifying power being soon increased to thirty-two. This instrument being provided and turned towards the heavens, the discoveries, which have made Galileo famous, were bound at once to follow, though undoubtedly he was quick to grasp their full significance. The moon was shown not to be, as the old astronomy taught, a smooth and perfect sphere, of different nature to the earth, but to possess hills and valleys and other features resembling those of our own globe. The planet Jupiter was found to have satellites, thus displaying a solar system in miniature, and supporting the doctrine of Copernicus.
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Father Nicolaus Copernicus |
had already abandoned the old Ptolemaic astronomy for the Copernican.
But, as he confessed in a letter to Kepler in 1597, he had refrained
from making himself its advocate, lest like Copernicus himself, he should
be overwhelmed with ridicule. His telescopic discoveries, the
significance of which he immediately perceived, induced him at once to
lay aside all reserve and come forward as the avowed and strenuous
champion of Copernicanism. They were also the cause of his lamentable
controversy with ecclesiastical authority, which raises questions of
graver import than any others connected with his name. It is necessary,
therefore, to understand clearly his exact position in this regard.
is undeniable that the proofs which Galileo adduced in support of the
heliocentric system of Copernicus, as against the geocentric of Ptolemy
and the ancients, were far from conclusive, and failed to convince such
men as Tycho Brahé (who, however, did not live to see the telescope) and
Lord Bacon, who to the end remained an unbeliever. The proof from the
phenomenon of the tides, to which Galileo appealed to establish the
rotation of the earth on its axis, is now universally recognized as a
grave error, and he treated with scorn Kepler’s suggestion,
foreshadowing Newton’s establishment of the true doctrine, that a
certain occult influence of the moon was in some way responsible.
spite of all deficiency in his arguments, Galileo, profoundly assured
of the truth of his cause, set himself with his habitual vehemence to
convince others, and so contributed in no small degree to create the
troubles which greatly embittered the latter part of his life.
is in the first place constantly assumed, especially at the present
day, that the opposition which Copernicanism encountered at the hands of
ecclesiastical authority was prompted by hatred of science and a desire
to keep the minds of men in the darkness of ignorance. To suppose that
any body of men could deliberately adopt such a course is ridiculous,
especially a body which, with whatever defects of method, had for so
long been the only one which concerned itself with science at all.
to a popular notion, the point upon which beyond all others, churchmen
were determined to insist, was the geocentric system of astronomy.
Nevertheless, it was a Churchman, Father Nicholas Copernicus, who first
advanced the contrary doctrine that the sun and not the earth is the
centre of our system, around which our planet revolves, rotating on its
own axis. His great work, “De Revolutionibus orblure coelestium”, was
published at the earnest solicitation of two distinguished Churchmen,
Cardinal Schömberg and Tiedemann Giese, Bishop of Culm. It was dedicated
by permission to Pope Paul III in order, as Copernicus explained, that
it might be thus protected from the attacks which it was sure to
encounter on the part of the “mathematicians” (i.e. philosophers) for
its apparent contradiction of the evidence of our senses, and even of
common sense.
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