Wednesday, November 17, 2021





 Isn't it great to assist at Holy Mass when there are no liturgical abuses, no heresies in the homily, all the readings well done, the Celebrant devout and concentrated on what he is doing in Persona Christi, and ideally with good music and chant or hymns to complement your participatio actuosa (in heart and mind -- actively participating in the prayers of the Holy Mass.) ? ...........

 How often do you experience it?

For me it last happened on Christmas Eve - special circumstances - a visiting Priest , home from his studies in Canada. More routinely we have minor liturgical abuses, no recent heresies, the quality of the readings unreliable ( there seems to be a problem for some in reading intelligently without lapsing into the dramatic or the infantile) ,of the several celebrants,  devotion is not a problem , but one or two still can't resist looking at the congregation after the Consecration , even when praying to Jesus Christ Himself! And yet another goes about the Altar clockwise whilst incensing it. Then there is the matter of music and singing under the guidance of our non- Catholic Choirmaster. The Choir under his direction is first rate. The choice of hymns is frequently a problem.

Consider this little "Duesie"from this morning's 10.00 am Mass :

As a fire is meant for burning
With a bright and warming flame,
So the Church is meant for mission,
Giving glory to God's Name.    (OK So far)
Not to preach our creeds or customs,(WHAAAAAT!)
But to build a bridge of care,
We join hands across the nations,
Finding neighbours ev'rywhere.

Second verse more  of the same, but 8 "We"s

Third verse  is plumped up with "green buds", "springtime", "rainbow lights", "storm", "radiance"and "dawn".

Of course the "We...we..."s  and the "Nature"" gush are sad and bad enough. 

BUT "Not to preach our creeds and customs"is outrageous and heretical - in effect, the words are saying that the role of the Church, her "mission"is to be simply a big , warm and fuzzy social service organisation to make us all feel good about ourselves and each other. 

Well, put simply: NO.

What was the Great Commission Our Divine Lord gave His disciples , this :".......Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, Baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you........"What Our Lord had commanded as far as belief is distilled in our "creeds"and enshrined in our "customs"such as devotion to Him in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Where did this protestantising "hymn"come from? It is No 481 in the dreadful "Gather Australia" Hymn Book published by the Archdiocese of Melbourne during the time of Archbishop Frank Little ( whose motto was "Kyrie Eleison"). It is written by one Ruth Duck of Melbourne and sung to a fine Irish melody "The Sacred Harp" arranged by the infamous Marty Haugen. "Kyrie Eleison"Indeed!
                                     ST. FRANCIS XAVIER  S.J THE APOSTLE TO ASIA - 
                                        HE COULD HAVE TOLD MS. DUCK A THING OR TWO
But away from unpleasant things. The Homily was preached by our Nigerian transitional Deacon, so no worry about heresy, just great content, strong and intelligent reference to the first and second readings, excellent delivery and he moves with great devotion and grace in the Sanctuary, and joins his hands properly with fingers extended, not joining them clasped together like some dear old lady who has lost her puppy (as many others do.)

They are doing something right in Nigerian Seminaries.

So, how was your Sunday Mass?

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